Friday, July 03, 2009

Summer Family update

We are doing well! Here are some tidbits from our summer so far.

These first two are from the weekend of Mike's birthday. E was so defeated that she couldn't blow the birthday horns from the double celebration of daddy and Nana Kay's birthday, but later on that weekend she figured it out! We've NEVER seen her so proud of herself! It was a wonderful lesson in try and try again! :)



These next ones are from the week before PreCana. The kids were having fun together doing puzzles (A is so interested in putting pieces in and out of the box...not really in putting puzzles together). Also the kids colored a sign for our communication talk to congratulate all of the engaged couples.

Here's A being super silly!

These last ones are from today. The kids were having fun attacking daddy in bed.



E is forming more complex sentences and enjoying "reading" books to us. She loves pigtails, puzzles, dressing up and playing kitchen. She'll often put on a fashion show throughout the day wearing at least 6 different items!

A is talking so much and forming two word phrases...hold you, milk please, push button...etc. He is trying so very hard to jump and we think he'll be jumping before E! He has started to love coloring and has recently taken to coloring alongside E. They are playing together so much and this has helped me get my chores accomplished more easily.

Daddy was out of town for a conference in Minnesota and while he enjoyed seeing St. Paul and the Mall of America...we are oh so glad to have him home!!!! A week apart was WAY too long!

I'm keeping busy with homeschool preparations, housekeeping and cake decorating...and am beginning to make lists of supplies and books I'll need for our preschool adventures starting in August.

We want to congratulate Dave and Melissa on the pregnancy!!!!!!!!!! We are also SOOOO excited to be Aunt and Uncle to their new little one!

We love and miss all of our family! Here's hoping this update finds you well.

In His Love

1 comment:

Paul, Cristina, Sebastian, Matteo, Luca, and Emilio said...

Yay for blog updates! Eliana looked so cute for the 4th! Hopefully we can catch up soon.