Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More Birth Story...

[originally posted on MSN Spaces May 17. 2006]

So to continue...

It was March 25th around 7am:

I was walking the halls trying to get my labor to progress. Somewhere between 7-8am my sister arrived to join the fun. Oh...I forgot to mention that everyone in my family headed to the delivery room once it was confirmed I was in labor. My dad was trapped in MD working that week, but ended up being able to exchange airplane tickets...to drive in from Orlando, and arrive later that night. Mike's mom was also on her way. This was to be a family affair!

8 am: My mom arrived not long after my sister. The doctor popped in to check my progress (not my doc...remember he was out of town). She stated that I was still 5 cm but was now 90% effaced. Her response to this limited progress was that we would wait 3 hours and if my water hadn't broken by then we could go ahead and break it or send me home. Of course I didn't want to go home, but I also did not want my water broken by the doc. So we kept trekking around the L&D floor.

9-10am: Still trekking...somewhere during this time Mike and I talked to a new father who suggested we try bouncing on the labor ball to help break my water. Apparently it had worked for his wife...so that's what we tried and it worked!

10:30am: Less than a half hour until the doc returned to check my progress...My water broke! We were ecstatic! Time to get things moving and have a baby.

11am: The doc came in and checked me. My water had supposedly broken (more on this later), but I was only 6cm and still 90% effaced.

More next time...diaper duty calls!

In the Risen Lord,

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