Monday, February 28, 2011

Lent is coming!

So hard to believe it is that time of year again!!!

This year I decided to use a pre-made Lenten Calendar since so many wonderful moms provide them free to print. I used Lacey's from Catholic Icing

I am planning on doing a Eucharist Centered Lent for my kiddos this year. I want to attend Adoration with them weekly (or more if we are able). I'm planning on taking them to daily mass 3x a week and incorporating Lenten Adventures. You can sign up for Lenten Adventures here: Holy Heroes Lenten Adventures

It is a simple way to keep the kids thinking about Lent every single day!

We plan on doing sacrifice beans that turn to jelly beans, stations of the cross, hide the Alleluia, and no treats during the week.

My hubby and I still have to discuss our overall plans for morning and evening prayers, but hopefully we can iron that out ASAP!!! Not much time left!

If there is room in our budget I'd really like to get this or come up with my own:

What are your plans?

Wishing you a Happy and Holy end to Ordinary Time!!!