Thursday, March 19, 2009

Buggin' out

My poor little guy has had a stomach bug and it has been a crazy 24 hours. I think that he's over it, but after a few mistakes feeding him too soon I'm strictly enforcing a rice cake and fluids fast on him today. SIGH. I'm feeling the nausea of it all rolling around in my gut so let's hope it's just a result of witnessing too much uckiness all at once. I really think that a sick mom makes for a dilapidated household. How on earth are things supposed to get done! What am I to do if the urge to vomit hits me right as I'm mid diaper change and he's up on the bed half naked while I run to the toilet to lose my breakfast (or today just plain rice cake and tea)? Oh, what a conundrum!!!

So it is my official ruling that I shall not, will not, be sick with a stomach bug today. No way. I hope.

We've completely let go our Lenten Adventures this week due to the illness and a friend in need earlier in the week. We've managed to continue with our calendar and evening prayer before the kids go to bed, but otherwise I'm feeling a bit out of sorts and need to climb back on the Lent bandwagon.

Today is the Feast of St. Joseph and I was really hoping to be up for braving daily mass with the two kids, but given little man's vomiting around midnight and my tummy feeling like it's doing a very bad did not happen. Perhaps I'll print out some St. Joseph coloring pictures for my almost 3 year old beauty. I'm sure she'd love that! I thought about making cookies with hammers on them to represent St. Joseph as a carpenter, but alas that did not happen with everything else that has been on our plate.

Happy Solemnity!

In His Wounds,