I cannot belive it is already 2008! My family went through a lot between then end of 2006 to the end of 2007.
Here's a run down...
Dec. 06 my paternal Grandma passed away Christmas Eve Day
New years 07 my maternal Grandma had a stroke and went to the ER
Jan. 07 we moved and struggled to make ends meet
March 07 E started to show signs of dehydration/poor health
March 07 Pregnant with baby #2
May 07 Finally sold our 1st home
Summer 07 childhood dog was put to sleep
August 07 E started Physical Therapy and I was put on bedrest for preterm contractions
September 07 E finally walked! Hubby started a second job at Target.
October 07 In and out of the hospital with false water breaking/contractions
Dec. 07 A born and my Uncle diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Jan. 08 Hubby is quitting his job at Target!
I guess after reading over all of this I am surprised that we survived it. BUT I know it is only by the grace of God that we did. All Praise and Glory to Him from whom all blessings flow!
A is one month old! Time has flown by!
Here are some pics...